30 Apr 2020

Newline Assyrian Chariots - the army is complete!

Finally, in this three part 28mm Biblical special, the Chariotry - the strike force of the army weighing in at a very reasonable ₤22/each.

I'd picked up four chariots, as that's the maximum number allowed in the ADLG Assyrian & Sargonid list. As you'll see here I used the near-revolutionary (yet still blindingly obvious when you think of) it technique of printing off some pictures from the internet and wallpapering the designs onto the big slab sides of the chariot boxes.

The four crew have plenty of room to walk around in the cab, so they four chariots could be posed in a variety of different ways - they sure aren't any sort of tight fitting jigsaw puzzle that only goes together in one formation, allowing you to put even more variety into the army by varying the poses.

There are loads more images on the main website of these chariots, together with the Infantry and Cavalry which you can reach via this link 

26 Apr 2020

Newline Assyrian Cavalry - the 28mm Assyrians, Part II

OK, so here are the Cavalry. Not quite as good painting-wise as the foot, as I'm a bit lazy/unskilled on the whole "horse painting" front but the mass effect I think is OK.

The Newline figures themselves are also still great, as even with only one set of cavalry the three different poses in the pack, as well as separate shields and spears still give a decent variety.

These 12 horses are supposed to be pulling chariots - I made a mistake in mixing them all up on the undercoating table, and then compounded that mistake by mis-counting how many of each type of horse I actually had (15 "normal" ones and 16 "chariot pulling" ones).

By the time I'd realised I'd painted them up it was too late to go back and change them. It does mean these guys have some serious armour around the neck of each horse though, which is probably a win for them

(Mercenary Skythians)

The rest of the photos are at: https://www.madaxeman.com/main/28mm_Assyrian_Cavalry.php

(Chariots coming up when I upload the photos... )

24 Apr 2020

Newline Designs 28mm Assyrian Infantry, painted

I almost literally stumbled upon the Newline 28mm Biblical ranges at the Attack! show in Devizes in Summer 2019.

Newline Designs were a company I had mentally pegged as just being a 20mm manufacturer (so I'd almost walked straight past them) but my eye was caught by a show offer on a 28mm Assyrian army, with a range of figures I had no idea existed.

I wanted/needed an Assyrian army for an event that was supposed to have taken place earlier this year, so checking them out the figures turned out to be really nice, and with the at-show discount an army worked out at a lot less than half the price of the same figures from Foundry as well (which I'd been steeling myself to fork out for at some point in time).

I bought them there and then, and of course subsequently bought a shedload more by mail order to give me more options in the army, and less than a year later here are photos of the infantry from this 28mm ADLG-based army:

(This is just a few of the photos - there are loads if you go to this link on the main Madaxeman.com site)

23 Apr 2020

Whats Not In The Bag? Salute Traders Special Edition Lockdown Podcast

With another week of enforced isolation behind them the intrepid band of wargamers astonishingly still appear to have something new to talk about (although Andy is still painting Vikings...).

The usual melange of painting, basing and figure selection chatter is augmented this week by ruminations on the efficacy of the postal service, whether soap is a good idea for things other than combating virus transmission, whether German WW2 Paratroopers actively chose not to use multi-barelled rocket launchers because of the challenges of pronunciation, and just how far can a Chinese army be morphed before it becomes socially unacceptable to do so.

This week also sees the one-off appearance of "What's not in the Bag?" in which we all discuss what we did not buy at Salute! at the weekend due to it being postponed to 2021. This one you can play along with at home - the full trader list for Salute! 2020 is avaiable online on the Warlords website

The end result is an episode that stretches dangerously towards the 90 minute mark, but fortunately for fans of niche French urban slo-tempo techno that does mean Andy's Quiz also returns yet again.

The Podcast is online at Podbean now, or search "Madaxeman Podcast" on iTunes

19 Apr 2020

Legio Heroica Javelinmen

Lockdown painting has been a bit all over the shop recently, with complete armies getting finished in all sorts of scales as well as some odds and sods being tidied up.

The focus has been 25mm and 10mm, with a bit of 6mm as well however I have still been sneaking in the odd pack of 15mm Ancients into the queue - including these Legio Heroica Arab Javelinmen (packs MUS19 and MUS37) that I picked up at the mini bring and buy at the Avignon ADLG event before Christmas.

They are lovely little figures, true 15mm like all of the Legio Heroica stuff and nicely animated as well.

I painted this lot with mostly Contrast paints and inks, to try and give them a slightly washed out look whilst keeping them colourful, as some of my Arabs are a bit, well, desert-ey in their colour schemes

They also came with separate shields and metal, pointed mini spears - unusual these days for 15mm. The shields are mostly flat-backed so I used a 2-part epoxy glue to stick them firmly on.

For the javelins I had a bit of a go at something I've seen online, giving them some texture by adding bands of brown, with a wider band of dark brown with a narrower band of lighter brown inside them - a bit "bamboo-ey" and slightly more interesting than just a plain brown spear. 

If you look closely you'll see some bubbling of the matt varnish that I brushed on - I was in too much of a hurry to get these finished to wait and spray them with the next large batch of figures and dissapointingly the varnish hasn't calmed down after I applied it.

At tabletop distances this is pretty much impossible to see, but I guess that's the beauty - and downside - of these sorts of extreme close-up macro photos!

The banded spears are more visible in this shot.

They'll be playing as Javelinmen (hence 5 to a base, which I use to differentiate them from Swordsmen and Spearmen) in ADLG once we are all allowed out to play again!

(As of the 22nd April it sounds like Legio Heroica will be on a bit of a hiatus, partly due to lockdown and partly due to a pre-scheduled medical procedure - he'll be back once lockdown ends.)

17 Apr 2020

Lockdown Podcast IV

The Lockdown Specials - Part 4

Another week, another load of old rubbish as the regulars chat on about their glacial rate of painting, wheel out another obscure quiz and this time attempt also to demostrate just how hard unscripted radio comedy can be in a tribute to non-wargaming legend and all round Goodie Tim Brooke-Taylor.

If you want to listen it's on Podbean and will soon appear on iTunes as well - just search for "madaxeman.com" from within iTunes to find it. 

And, finally, here's the gratuitous and disconcerting photo referred to in the 'pod

13 Apr 2020

10mm WW2 on eBay

I've been using the lockdown to do a bit of clearing out of the gaming room cupboards, so if anyone is sat there thinking that their 10mm WW2 solo-gaming collection needs some reinforcements I've just lobbed some Eearly War French, Germans and British, some Mid/Late War Brits and a set of US Paras onto eBay as part of my own domestic rationalization process : 

 https://www.ebay.co.uk/usr/the_lithuanian for all my current listings. The 10mm stuff is:

  • A huge Early War French army
  • An equally huge Early War German army
  • Some early War British armour
  • A decent sized mid/late War British force
  • A unit of US paratroopers

It's a space-making sale, so everything starts at a quid, and a share of the proceeds will go to SSAFA (the UK armed forces charity) as well.

I've only put UK postage as I'm not fully confident about international mail right now, however I do have a post box that can take parcels on the route of my daily legally-permitted walk as well, so no worries there either.. 

Here's a load of pictures as well:

 https://www.ebay.co.uk/usr/the_lithuanian for all my current listings.

11 Apr 2020

Teeny-tiny lazy soldiers... 6mm ultra-moderns

Before the Lockdown there were these things called "Wargaming trade shows", where you could see stuff, talk to the people selling it and then give them actual cash to buy it - imagine that? And all of it was much more friendly that this internet + delivery malarkey we're all playing at now. 

At the penultimate show I went to, PAW back in January, I picked up some modern British Mainforce infantry from Colonel Bills second hand figures display, which I've been meaning to paint up to go with the refurbished middle eastern ultra-moderns that I've been gradually working through over the past few months - and as they are dead easy to do, here they are:

The paler-cammo-painted troops here are half of a British Modern Mechanised Infantry set. If you don't know Mainforce's range, each individual base is a single piece of metal with the men moulded onto it in a prone position.

This concept is one I find is really great, as they don't break or bend like standing soldiers, they are easier to store, and anyway most modern infantry probably spend a lot of time lying down already!

The painting is as easy as you can imagine - spray the whole lot with Bleached Bone first, then ink the lot with a dark wash, let it dry and then 'damp-brush' the infantrymen's bodies.

To finish them off from there I do flesh coloured blobs for hands and faces, and pick out the weapons and boots in fairly bold colours (this time I used dark brown for boots, black guns, and green for the support weapons) and away you go

I painted up the other half of the pack as "enemy", with a darker brown for uniforms and black boots as well - giving them all green helmets too for that ex-soviet militia army look.

A spot of static grass completes the lot.

I glued all of the metal pieces onto magnabase before spraying them - this means they can be magnetized onto a ferrous sheet for safer storage, and adds more depth to each base making them a bit easier to pick up off the table as well

The pack I bought has eighteen infantry bases, five Command, eight Milan anti-tank missiles, seven light mortars, nine GPMGs and two Javelins.

But at this scale they do all kinda just look like blokes lying down with guns and stuff to be honest, so for my purposes splitting the pack in half and creating two sets of troops for opposing sides is absoluely fine.

Splitting the pack gives each side 10+ infantry bases and a load of support weapons

My previous experienmce with these was a few years ago when I probably used the same set to create Brits in DPM cammo for the European theatre. They are also still all online here