3 Dec 2020

Arab Infantry... the Spearmen Arrive

 That project that's "nearly" done... we all have one, and mine is the interminable Arab 28mm army which continued to threaten to last into next year. 

The latest non-self-inflicted delay is an inability to get outside to do some matt varnishing, so I've just taken some photos anyway of the infantry who are waiting on a bit of Testors and thrown them online with pics of all the other infantry I've done so far. 

Artizan Designs commanders with mandatory LBMS flag

Mostly Perry Spearmen

More eclectic spearmen (GB, Footsore, Perry, possibly even BTD ?)

Serious contrast paint action !

Mostly Perry

There is a more complete set of photos - and some video - of these and the other infantry already finished online on the website.

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