24 Feb 2025

A rare bit of Malifaux

I'm currently  playing Malifaux every couple of weeks at Bad Moon Cafe in London, and whilst I've done pretty well in resisting the urge to buy some of the "new" models which Wyrd Games have brought out in the last couple of years there are just a handful which I felt I really did need to pick up.

The most expensive purchase has been the Arcanist "Starter" set of Harrison Frodsham, Harris J-5 and the two super-schemers, The Gearlings. 

As you can see these all have a really cool Steampunk aesthetic, which makes them interesting to paint and fits in with the "not historicals" itch-scratching that keeps me picking away at Malifaux from time to time.  

This is Frodsham and Harris J-5. When I bought the set these two felt like they might be the make-weights in this box set, as they are quite expensive in game terms and I didn't really have a feel for how effective they could be in-game compared to models I already owned and was familiar with using. 

The Gearlings however were the "I sort of need them to play" models, as the Crew I've been using most recently doesn't have any fast, survivable little models that can scoot down the edges of the table and do "stuff" to achieve the (non-killy) objectives that make Malifaux such an interesting  game to play. 

Gearlings are absolutely ace at this sort of thing - which I guess is why Wyrd brought then out as part of a £30 set of 4 models! 

Having seen the errata for all four of these models (which came out after the box set had been printed and manufactured it appears), and having put them on table for a spin I can now see that this is a very potent half-crew that can achieve a lot together! 

As usual I added some watch parts to the bases of these mechanical gearling models to reinforce the steampunk vibe.

They were all done with black undercoat, then drybrushing on top to be consistent with many of my other Malifaux models. 

I also bought from Etsy a Wind Golem proxy, as picking up the solo model isn't really possible (and this was really cheap by comparison).

As you can see, one of the challenges of buying 3D prints from Etsy of non-historical models is that the actual size of the thing is very hard to gauge ... this is stood next to two Wind Gamin Wyrd models!

And here he is next to the Fire & Ice Golems for a better comparison.

Aesthetically it fits really well I think, but I really hope he doesn't topple over in-game as he coudl easily crush my opponents models in the process!

Through the Breach We Go! 

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