15 Apr 2008
Fo G Comp this weekend
Im hoping Hannibal can inspire the boys to victory - and that I dont have to face too many medieval armies!
Live updates may make their way onto this blog...
28 Feb 2008
What do you think of my Disrupted markers?
16 Feb 2008
Field of Glory now in my possession
And they look gooooood !!!
The bar has certainly been raised on production values for both rules and lists.
My DBM lists and rules are now already looking embarassed and shuffling towards the corner of the room
14 Feb 2008
FoG Rules start to ship today
The reports don't give me access to any more information than this, so its imposible for me to know who they have gone to, or even when the copies shipped were ordered, or when/(if?) any more will be shipped, I just have visibility of total ordered and total shipped.
Total orders via my UK site to date include over 50 copies of the rules, and similar numbers of the first 2 army lists since I set up the site in September or October last year – the orders have come in across this timeline, and several are now coming in each day.
Either way, despite the rumours, Amazon UK have clearly got some copies, and they have clearly now started sending them out.
Its exciting that the rules are out there and shipping. For the biggest problem at this point to be too much demand (despite apparently three increases to the print run) is not exactly bad news for the hobby, although it may be irritating for some of us.
I also think it's hard to pin too much blame on either Amazon or Osprey for failing to accurately predict that a new set of rules for the totally obscure hobby of ancient wargaming (priced at 50-100% more than any previous set) would end up (as of today) as the 186th best selling book in the UK, or even more astoundingly, the No3 in the History category – just behind the biography of someone who is looking likley to be the next president of the USA!
See – here's the link to Amazons charts (updated hourly) link
One slightly irritating (potential) delay for a bloke who plays with toy soldiers, but one giant leap in popularity for the whole hobby.
13 Feb 2008
Field of Glory Wargame Rules
The game was a test of whether legions could be beaten by a combination of pikes and elephants - and yes, it can be done! Its a tight interaction though, but as long as the pikemen dont lose the first round, they can grind down the legion... just.
I lost one 12-strong pike block, but crunched 2 blocks of legionaries. I could have tried to keep the pikemen alive, but my general; had gotten into the wrong position and was unable to help them out ... doh!
8 Feb 2008
Field of Glory Wargame Rules - a Review
How good is it as "History & Simulation", well, to be honest that's a whole barrel of worms I'm not really someone who is qualified to open, so I won't even go there. What I can say however is that I got a definite sense that a lot of thought has gone into FoG to make sure it's "playable" - and by this I don't just mean "is it clear and simple?", but rather there has been effort to make sure, mathematically and game-mechanics-wise, that the balance between "my troops are better so they should win in this situation" and "but if my opponent gets a bit of luck I might lose..." has been set up to create what feel like the right level of uncertainty - which is after all what creates the excitement in wargames as opposed to chess.
The other element of the "its been designed to have playability" that comes across is that there are actually quite a lot of key decisions to be made at many points in the game (especially concerning what to do with Generals) - although it would also be fair to say that it took me a lot longer to work out what they were, and to realise the impact of my choices than in say DBx sets I've played before.
Does it "grip" you and is there depth? Well, right now I'd say "yes" although I was previously (even as late as the end of last year) definitely pretty skeptical on this.
The big change for me came during the competition at Usk, which was the second competition I'd done. I think the 10 competition games have been a lot, lot more important in getting me to a point at which I started to understand tactics and see the "simple to learn / hard to master" depth in the rules than the 10 or so beta-testing games I played.
Maybe there is just something in playing against strangers who also knew the rules and who were trying to win, as opposed to playing my mate Adam with both of us trying to learn the mechanics and decide if we "liked" the rules which also made a huge difference?
Maybe as well it was having the basic mechanics down pat that allowed us to look beyond them into the game itself, and - probably most importantly - I'm sure that using the same army for 4 games on the bounce against different opponents allowed me to starting to see how the same troops performed in different situations, and think what I could do differently next time to improve things.
Differences to DBx & Warmaster - well, lots. No pips for movement, elements are locked into fairly big units that move by wheeling, and morale (or maybe "waver") tests are back are the biggest 3.
No pip-based command and control really surprised me initially, and as I said earlier, it takes a while to realise that there is any command and control mechanic. But, whilst pips (or for Warmaster players, command rolls) used to represent an abstraction not only of command and control, but also (in my mind) of how the key action in a battle can end up occurring in one small sector of the line (where both sides spend all their pips) whilst the rest is inconclusive (ie they stand there doing nowt), they also have their downsides - certainly in that the ability to do long-distance, multiple moves often has excessive influence on deployment, tactics and the overall outcome in both games, and also there is an inherently odd aspect to the idea of troops standing still for ages without lumbering forward to fight enemy they may only be yards (or inches) from. So, you win some, and lose some on this, but you do get a change.
Elements in big units is again a mixed blessing, and one its hard not to comment on without veering into the "is it historical?" debate - but this time I may dip my toe in these dangerous waters.... If you mentally equate DBx "elements" or Warmaster Units to FoG "Battle Groups" (ie units..), FoG feels like a skirmish and DBx feels like a massive battle (viewed from space!) - and this is easy to do, even though the FoG rules insist/imply that a FoG battlegroup is a collection of smaller sized units (represented by the element bases).
But once you accept the FoG argument and see each element as a sub unit, and each Battle Group as the unit of command and maneuver it does start to make more sense, and I found myself thinking whether DBx (or WMA) rules might even be improved by borrowing from FoG by insisting that for any troops to be deployed and moved they had to in multiple-element brigades of the same troop type. And irrespective of the "historical or not?" debate, its hard to argue against a view that so much geometry and cheese goes immediately out the window once the ability of relatively small formations to move and act independently on the battlefield is severely curtailed.
Morale and waver tests - well, that's a dangerous and bold thing for anyone to reintroduce, especially to anyone who remembers 7th. Initially the biggest mental hurdle for me was the reintroduction of morale tests which seemed to reintroduce a large and highly important random element into the game - but gradually I've learnt to appreciate how correct use of Generals, rear support and various other factors allow you to significantly increase your troops ability to survive them - and also to appreciate that by making a basic 2xD6 score of "7" the usual pass/fail baseline, even being able to add (or cause your enemy to deduct) 1 positive factor means you can make a material difference to the probability of succeeding or failing.
The other good news is that they aren't quite so dramatically bad as in 7th - where you could go from steady to broken in 2 bad dice rolls, both on a single D6 with no modifiers, and the are nowhere near as byzantine as they were in 6th and its predecessors, as there's only 6 or 7 simple factors to remember.
The final thing is that by shifting the way combats are resolved away from pushbacks and into progressive slipping - or restoring - of fighting ability via a simple test has also allowed FoG to remove even more geometry from the game, as there is no need for a slew of special rules about troops being pushed back, or conforming in combat or any of that gubbins. So, whilst I was initially reluctant, I can now see the upsides as well.
Will everyone like these rules - well, certainly not. Will a lot of people like them - I think almost certainly - both coming from a DBx and a GW tradition. Is there anything brain-stoppingly brilliant and innovative in them? Sorry, not really - but there is definitely a fair amount of subtle and well thought out stuff that will make sure its a good "game to play.
Is it historical - well, it looks pretty reasonable to me, but I profess no real in-depth expertise and I have no appetite for an endless argument either so I'll sidestep that one and leave it to you. Either way, right now I'm looking forward to my next game and next competition, and thinking of buying some more troops too.... none of which has happened in a long time for me - so something must be good in there!!
To order your copy follow the following links
6 Feb 2008
Field of Glory Wargames Rules Selling well
Thats only for the rules themselves, so the army lists are selling nearly as well, even those which are only on pre release so far
The UK website has been expanded to be a comprehensive bookshop for all ancient armies, and the US one may be expanded too, basically if enough sales come from the UK to make it worth my while doing the legwork!
The UK site is at http://www.madaxeman.com/FoGshop.htm
The US one is at http://www.madaxeman.com/general/us_store.htm
I've tried a French one, but no sales so far :-( http://www.madaxeman.com/FR_shop.htm
Must be a good sign for the prospects for the rules eh ?
6 Nov 2007
4 Nov 2007
its all over now
The evil Reigate empire has picked up the trophy with Jason Broomers insanely effective Sinhalese army that I played a couple of years ago at Ascot picking up the prize.
Farewell DBM !!!
Roll on the new world order!
Sunday mornings game
Or to use their full name, Fecking Rus.
Hoo bloody rah.
Maybe i should just get an earlier flight. My last DBM competition could end without s single win!
So, where was Dave Madigan
But at least he was here in spirit
I'm also guessing the "food served daily" contains some fried elements
3 Nov 2007
Game 3
A terrain free table is swept across by my spear wall, but some terrible dice in bounds 2-5 and some dogged defending by the Pecheneg light horse and wagons means I only get one command and am about 2 moves short of being able to flee another command off table.
I am now languishing with 2 points out of 9. You may be wondering who's in the lead - well, I dont really know, and as we all sit in different rooms in the rabbit-warren like building to play frankly the leaders may as well be on another planet
Here are my spearmen trying to shove some light horse off a gentle hill
A couple of chariots beat themselves senseless against a wall of wooden wagons
Pecheneg is a large army. But you can fit it all in a fairly small space if you try
Right, now its time for a night on the lash!
2nd game
48% casualties on both sides and both of us 1 element away from victory.
And a proper lunch hour in the pub, with Arsenal Man Utd on the telly to boot.
But my capacity for fried food is already being severely tested.
Some in-game pics
Two mounted generals get intimate in the rough
The Art I are not quite as clever as they hoped!
Heres Ruddocks sandwich
Nice of him to return it to the tray.
Fortunately, with so many wargamers around, it wasnt to last for that much longer
Friday night latest.
However its now eytinh close to double figures of Guinness pints. So the important things are going well.
Maybe get some photos up tomorrow.
2 Nov 2007
now here in dublin
Usefully, I forgot the directions. and the iwf website is down.
at least a bar should be easy to find
European DBM Championships, Dublin
Luckily I had a handy translation guide to the local lingo..
Now, will we have time to do some shopping this afternoon?
11 Jul 2007
Warhamster Battle Report
site - but mostly between myself and one other bloke talking about the
shooting rules.
No reaction from the Yahoo WMA group, nothing on BHGS Yahoo, and one comment
on the Yahoo DBMlist. I'm surprised there is nothing on Yahoo, as I havent
seen any groovy battle reports posted there before.
I should really have set up traffic monitoring so I knew how many visits
there were, but its a bit late now.
1 Jul 2007
Devizes warhamster Results
Nicked it from the far more experienced Clice with a massive 960 point
victory in my last game (he scored about 600 in winning his last game) - so
I won 3 games and lost one.
Even so, I still remain to be convinced about the rules !
26 Jun 2007
10mm ACW photos
Having this many photos has allowed me to implement a "full" searchable site for ACW 10mm photos, with sub pages for all the different manufacturers I am aware of - you can link to it from here.
There are pics of at least one figure from every manufacturer, and a full set of compare and contrast photos with different manufacturers side by side.
I'm expecting a load of Minifigs to arrive any day now, so that will also be another large addition to the directory - having painted models may be some time away though!!
24 Jun 2007
10mm Romans nearing completion
WMA Roman army. Its one of those thats dragged on and on - and now as the
first batch of 10mm ACW stuff is here, I'm desparate to clear the painting
table to make room for them !!
Almost done - but I keep finding new sets of straps and belts to add to the
"to paint" list before I can base them
still not decided if I will keep or sell them however1!