31 Dec 2008
Museum Miniatures are having a sale
Looks like everything is 25% off until (I think) the middle or end of January. I've had good service from them in the past, and their Arab-ish Ghilman cavalry mix well with Outpost and Khurasan - see this link - and a lot of their dismounted medieval knights are cool as well. Worth a look?
ghilman cavalry,
museum miniatures
As Featured in Miniature Wargames
The Antietam game in 10mm played in August is in January's Miniature Wargames magazine. Fame at last!
29 Dec 2008
December 25th - Keen Gamers Online !
On Christmas Day this site recorded 105 visitors, accessing separate 716 pages. 49.52% found the site after searching for phrases including "arab imperial field of glory ", "1/144 scale ww2 infantry" and "fog parthian army 15mm". Slitherine and The Miniatures Page provided most referrals. The FoG Wiki was the most popular section.
christmas wargamer,
FoG field of glory
27 Dec 2008
MY Miniatures & Bears Den added to the supplier directory
MY are a UK Manufacturer selling Macedonians, Bactrians, Persians, Indians, Genereic Arabs, Gladiators/Slave Revolt, WOTR/Medievals, C16 Spanish, Arthurian British, Saxons, Celts, Vikings, Lombards, Persians, Villanovan & Etruscan Italians and some Biblical ranges. Bears Den have one range - Warring States Chinese
Bears Den Miniatures,
MY Miniatures
26 Dec 2008
Camelot Games
Now added to the 15mm manuacturers directory, as well as an Italian distributor for the Miniature Wars ranges. Camelot sell several ranges including Polybian/ MRR Romans, Huns, Vikings & Rus, Crusader Knights & Arabs, and CXIII medievals
15mm ancients,
15mm supplier,
camelot games
22 Dec 2008
Merry Christmas
Madaxeman.com and Festive Nasty Hannibal wish everyone a Happy Christmas & New Year. As a Christmas treat you can send this image as an eCard to all your friends - just click the link, register for the 15mm photo gallery and e-mail away (by clicking the envelope icon in the top right corner of each image page!
Osprey War Elephants
I've just picked up a copy of Osprey's much discussed book on War Elephants, so thought I'd do a quick review here.
The book is the standard Osprey-format paperback, 48 pages cover-to-cover and written by Konstantin Nossov with illustrations by Peter Dennis. Unlike older Ospreys, this book has colour photos or illustrations on virtually every double page spread.
The book is divided into sections covering different armies use of elephants, namely Indian, Alexandrian, Phyrrus, Carthage, Roman, South East Asia and "Elsewhere" (China and Persia), then an overview of types of elephant and their types of use.

Many of the illustrations and photos come from - unsurprisingly - India - where use of elephants has been well documented in art and on record, especially from the relatively recent Moghul and similar eras.

The use of elephants in Classical warfare is covered in as much depth as posible, especially where important recorded battles used elephants - but inevitably there are gaps in the historical record which the book wisely leaves open rather than assertively plumping for one or other possible historical interpretation.

Many of the key classical battles are covered in some depth with lengthy quotes from historical sources, and in particular the history of Indian war elephants gets a very in depth coverage, looking at armour, tactics, equipment and usage - and there is still no definitive statement on whether Carthaginian Elephants had towers!

Getting the balance right between in-depth and superficial coverage of the whole global historical record of elephant warfare in a 48-page booklet is always going to be a tough ask, especially when the historical record itself can often be quite thin or patchy, and so this book leaves you with a slight feeling that it "should" be better - but maybe it's impossible for it to be so.
At the end of the day we all already know that Elephants are big old beasts which frighten horses, skittle over unprepared infantry formations and knock down castle doors. They are scary for your enemies if they charge them, and even more scary if they panic and rout back through your own army.

This book says all of this, it has some great illustrations (especially of Indian/Moghul era elephants) and it also provides enough detail on some of the Classical era battles as well. Will it tell you anything astounding you didn't know - probably not, but thats maybe more of an issue with the subject matter rather than the book.
Buy the book here:
The book is the standard Osprey-format paperback, 48 pages cover-to-cover and written by Konstantin Nossov with illustrations by Peter Dennis. Unlike older Ospreys, this book has colour photos or illustrations on virtually every double page spread.
The book is divided into sections covering different armies use of elephants, namely Indian, Alexandrian, Phyrrus, Carthage, Roman, South East Asia and "Elsewhere" (China and Persia), then an overview of types of elephant and their types of use.
Many of the illustrations and photos come from - unsurprisingly - India - where use of elephants has been well documented in art and on record, especially from the relatively recent Moghul and similar eras.
The use of elephants in Classical warfare is covered in as much depth as posible, especially where important recorded battles used elephants - but inevitably there are gaps in the historical record which the book wisely leaves open rather than assertively plumping for one or other possible historical interpretation.
Many of the key classical battles are covered in some depth with lengthy quotes from historical sources, and in particular the history of Indian war elephants gets a very in depth coverage, looking at armour, tactics, equipment and usage - and there is still no definitive statement on whether Carthaginian Elephants had towers!
Getting the balance right between in-depth and superficial coverage of the whole global historical record of elephant warfare in a 48-page booklet is always going to be a tough ask, especially when the historical record itself can often be quite thin or patchy, and so this book leaves you with a slight feeling that it "should" be better - but maybe it's impossible for it to be so.
At the end of the day we all already know that Elephants are big old beasts which frighten horses, skittle over unprepared infantry formations and knock down castle doors. They are scary for your enemies if they charge them, and even more scary if they panic and rout back through your own army.
This book says all of this, it has some great illustrations (especially of Indian/Moghul era elephants) and it also provides enough detail on some of the Classical era battles as well. Will it tell you anything astounding you didn't know - probably not, but thats maybe more of an issue with the subject matter rather than the book.
Buy the book here:
16 Dec 2008
Warmodelling/Fantassin 15mm Ancients Photos
..now in the Ancients gallery, with a review, size comparison shots vs Essex, Old Glory, Xyston and Corvus Belli.
15 Dec 2008
FoG Tactical Tips Guide & WIKI
In a collaboration with MikeK, the FoG Tactical Tips Guide now appears on this site in WIKI format - so you can edit it and share your own FoG experiences with other gamers.
14 Dec 2008
Isarus Byzantines now added to the Gallery
More "from the manufacturer" photos of this oft-overlooked but very nice little range.
Post Latin Conquest
My Guide to taking pictures of your figures
I've compiled a step-by-step guide to photographing figures, which you can see by clicking the title link above. Its dead easy, and I bet you already have all the equipment already to set up a studio just like mine!
photograph wargame figures
9 Dec 2008
Gifts for Christmas
No, not the Hannibal Mug again. Follow this link for 9 carefully selected "nice to have/must have" books & gifts for you (or your partner) to buy this Christmas. For a proper "surprise" gift, just ask them to buy you one (or two) at random!
8 Dec 2008
I've Shrunk The Adverts!
After getting feedback from some visitors you may notice I've reduced the amount of space occupied by Google adverts at the top of each page of this site. So, no more full colour ads asking you if you "Want to date Single Persians?". Sorry!
field of glory,
4 Dec 2008
Loads more photos in the Ancients Gallery!
...... New photos of LKM, Lancashire, Alain Touller, Irregular, Magister Militum, Museum, Black Hat, Grumpys and 2-Dragons now added. The Supplier Listing has also been updated
2 Dec 2008
LRR Lists & Design Notes
Provided for The Wiki by FoG Author Simon Hall - see where I went wrong at Warfare, and learn how someone who wrote the rules would design and use this list !
field of glory,
Late Republican Roman,
simon hall
1 Dec 2008
Romans vs Parthians on YouTube
If you are really lazy (and like Bob Dylan) you can try the Rome vs Parthia battle on YouTube
30 Nov 2008
Warfare - all 4 reports
FoG battle reports of Late Republican Romans vs Parthians, Early Carthaginians, Bosporans and Selukids now online.
New Xyston Gaesati Photos
Reviews Now added to the Photo Gallery, including some size comparison photos vs Essex Minis Celts, and shots of the figures next to a ruler.
25 Nov 2008
Warfare Army Lists
Lists now posted for My Romans, and all my opponents - Parthians, Early Carthaginians, Bosporans, and Selukids.
warfare army lists fog
24 Nov 2008
Warfare Reading
FOG - A rather painful experience for my Marian Romans at Reading this past weekend. Army lists by the end of the week, reports may take a little longer.
20 Nov 2008
Over 100 more pictures added !
Romans, Greeks, Lydians, Indian, Persians, Thracians... over 100 new pics added to my site (many kindly provided by theonetree Painting Service")
field of glory,
New Additions for the Photo Gallery
New photos added to the Ancients Gallery including some Late Republican Legionaries and Greek Hoplites with funky shield designs.
marian roman legion
19 Nov 2008
Later Polish added to the FoGipedia
800 ap army list, external links, pictures and brief useage notes
17 Nov 2008
Well, the technology all worked, and the live report is available on this site. The posts are in reverse order, so when you click through to the Gettysburg pages you need to scroll down to the end, and then work upwards to follow the course of the battle.
All photos are clickable (to make them larger).
All photos are clickable (to make them larger).
New additions to 15mm Supplier Index
50 Paces and War Modelling now added to my 15mm Ancients Suppliers Directory. There are now 37 different manufacturers listed, with details of all their ranges.
15mm ancients
14 Nov 2008
Gettysburg in 10mm - Maybe...
I might be posting live updates from a "Gettysburg Day 2" Fire & Fury game this weekend. But only if I can sort out internet access at the venue. Check this this page for details.
Fire and Fury,
7 Nov 2008
African Vandals added to FoGipedia
Reader-contributed content helps me create a page in the FoGipedia on this hairy bunch.
african Vandal,
4 Nov 2008
"Hannibal Speaks" coffee mug now available!
Ideal for Christmas - a selection of "Nasty Hannibal" Mugs with the slogan "This Coffee has about it the bitter taste of defeat". Also comes in "Hot Chocolate" and "Beer" varieties Click here to buy this and other bizzarre items!
hannibal wargame FoG
3 Nov 2008
4 Match Reports from Roll Call

All 4 battles now uploaded to the website. Photos, writeups, lists and the return of Hannibal's award-winning Post Match Analysis - Click Here.
28 Oct 2008
Roll Call
It all ends up a bit flat as I face 4 cataphract armies out of 4 - 78 cats over the weekend !!! Full reports to follow by the end of the week. Promise.
cataphracts wargames FoG
26 Oct 2008
25 Oct 2008
Roll Call Update:
After the 1st day I am mid table with a big win against Parthians and a big loss to Richard Bodley-Scott's Sassanids. Report next week:
FoG field of glory,
roll call
19 Oct 2008
Free Delivery at Amazon.co.uk
Amazon.co.uk has just anounced that it now offers FREE "Super-Saver" delivery on any item over £5!! That means pretty much everything in my UK Bookshop can be ordered with FREE POSTAGE!
11 Oct 2008
FoG Decline & Fall Out Now
The FoG book on the Byzantines arrived today, and looks to have some interesting armies in it - after the rather "samey" Ottoman Book. Order it via this link in the UK, or this one in the US
Decline and Fall,
field of glory,
10 Oct 2008
Central London Club (West)
October's CLWC nights at the Perseverance are: Thur 16th, Wed 22nd, Thur 30th. Club nights at The C___ Tavern in Euston are every Tuesday.
8 Oct 2008
Poles added to the 10mm Gallery
Pitheads Polish range creates a new section in the 10mm Gallery
10mm Polish wargaming
Visitors now able to add comments to Photos
If you visit my 15mm figure directory or the 10mm one you can now add comments to each picture
online wargamers photos
7 Oct 2008
Ancients Photo Directory Released in "beta"
The 10mm WW2 Photo Directory has been so popular I've added now an Ancients Photo Directory to his site. There's over 500 photos already, and you can even upload your own photos (so please do so!).
Field of Glory Army Pages under Construction
I'm gradually adding a whole set of Army-specific pages to my website, with links, pictures, army lists and other goodies.
28 Aug 2008
Britcon reports now posted
I've finally got round to posting the Britcon reports on my website. The whole site is now coded in "php" to allow me to add links to relevant books, and other content. This should help with search engine rankings too.
The games are Cilician Armenians vs
Free Company
Crown of Aragon
Later Danish
Early Ach-wotsit Persian
Late Roman (Dominate?)
Ancient British
All 7 lists are posted, together with the usual pics, commentary, analysis, rules stuff and inapropriate you-tube embedded video..
The games are Cilician Armenians vs
Free Company
Crown of Aragon
Later Danish
Early Ach-wotsit Persian
Late Roman (Dominate?)
Ancient British
All 7 lists are posted, together with the usual pics, commentary, analysis, rules stuff and inapropriate you-tube embedded video..
FoG wargames britcon reports AAR
Georgia - Military Analysis
Military Analysis 101
The war in Georgia conclusively proved that having lots of modern Russian military hardware is better than having a small amount of out of date Russian hardware.
georgia conflict analysis
12 Jun 2008
the other (3rd) gamer in Dubai likes a beer
and plays DBM, FoW and FoG
and lives near me
and was the only serious drinker from his club in singapore.
oh yes......
and plays DBM, FoW and FoG
and lives near me
and was the only serious drinker from his club in singapore.
oh yes......
dbm dubai singapore wargames
15 Apr 2008
Fo G Comp this weekend
Its another FoG competition this weekend, with carthaginians getting a 800point outing this time
Im hoping Hannibal can inspire the boys to victory - and that I dont have to face too many medieval armies!
Live updates may make their way onto this blog...
Im hoping Hannibal can inspire the boys to victory - and that I dont have to face too many medieval armies!
Live updates may make their way onto this blog...
FoG field of glory
28 Feb 2008
What do you think of my Disrupted markers?
These downloadable FoG markers are the latest value-added bonus available from this site. If you like - or dislike - them please comment below. You can buy the actual figures from Donnignton, who now go by the name of Ancient & Modern
field of glory FoG wargame rules
16 Feb 2008
Field of Glory now in my possession
I now have the rules and the first 2 lists - both via Amazon, arriving before their scheduled dates.
And they look gooooood !!!
The bar has certainly been raised on production values for both rules and lists.
My DBM lists and rules are now already looking embarassed and shuffling towards the corner of the room
And they look gooooood !!!
The bar has certainly been raised on production values for both rules and lists.
My DBM lists and rules are now already looking embarassed and shuffling towards the corner of the room
14 Feb 2008
FoG Rules start to ship today
The reports I get on my Amazon UK affiliate bookstore on madaxeman.com show that they have started shipping copies ordered via my website as of 14/01/08. This is (I would say materially) earlier than date that Amazon has always given as its official shipping date of the 18th Feb.
The reports don't give me access to any more information than this, so its imposible for me to know who they have gone to, or even when the copies shipped were ordered, or when/(if?) any more will be shipped, I just have visibility of total ordered and total shipped.
Total orders via my UK site to date include over 50 copies of the rules, and similar numbers of the first 2 army lists since I set up the site in September or October last year – the orders have come in across this timeline, and several are now coming in each day.
Either way, despite the rumours, Amazon UK have clearly got some copies, and they have clearly now started sending them out.
Its exciting that the rules are out there and shipping. For the biggest problem at this point to be too much demand (despite apparently three increases to the print run) is not exactly bad news for the hobby, although it may be irritating for some of us.
I also think it's hard to pin too much blame on either Amazon or Osprey for failing to accurately predict that a new set of rules for the totally obscure hobby of ancient wargaming (priced at 50-100% more than any previous set) would end up (as of today) as the 186th best selling book in the UK, or even more astoundingly, the No3 in the History category – just behind the biography of someone who is looking likley to be the next president of the USA!
See – here's the link to Amazons charts (updated hourly) link
One slightly irritating (potential) delay for a bloke who plays with toy soldiers, but one giant leap in popularity for the whole hobby.
The reports don't give me access to any more information than this, so its imposible for me to know who they have gone to, or even when the copies shipped were ordered, or when/(if?) any more will be shipped, I just have visibility of total ordered and total shipped.
Total orders via my UK site to date include over 50 copies of the rules, and similar numbers of the first 2 army lists since I set up the site in September or October last year – the orders have come in across this timeline, and several are now coming in each day.
Either way, despite the rumours, Amazon UK have clearly got some copies, and they have clearly now started sending them out.
Its exciting that the rules are out there and shipping. For the biggest problem at this point to be too much demand (despite apparently three increases to the print run) is not exactly bad news for the hobby, although it may be irritating for some of us.
I also think it's hard to pin too much blame on either Amazon or Osprey for failing to accurately predict that a new set of rules for the totally obscure hobby of ancient wargaming (priced at 50-100% more than any previous set) would end up (as of today) as the 186th best selling book in the UK, or even more astoundingly, the No3 in the History category – just behind the biography of someone who is looking likley to be the next president of the USA!
See – here's the link to Amazons charts (updated hourly) link
One slightly irritating (potential) delay for a bloke who plays with toy soldiers, but one giant leap in popularity for the whole hobby.
13 Feb 2008
Field of Glory Wargame Rules
Played another game of Field of Glory last night, with my Selikids against Carlos' Dominate Romans. The FoG Army list I used will soon be published on my website here.
The game was a test of whether legions could be beaten by a combination of pikes and elephants - and yes, it can be done! Its a tight interaction though, but as long as the pikemen dont lose the first round, they can grind down the legion... just.
I lost one 12-strong pike block, but crunched 2 blocks of legionaries. I could have tried to keep the pikemen alive, but my general; had gotten into the wrong position and was unable to help them out ... doh!
The game was a test of whether legions could be beaten by a combination of pikes and elephants - and yes, it can be done! Its a tight interaction though, but as long as the pikemen dont lose the first round, they can grind down the legion... just.
I lost one 12-strong pike block, but crunched 2 blocks of legionaries. I could have tried to keep the pikemen alive, but my general; had gotten into the wrong position and was unable to help them out ... doh!
field of glory FoG wargame rules
8 Feb 2008
Field of Glory Wargame Rules - a Review
The Summary and Overall Review of Field of Glory
Whilst there's not too much rocket science in Field of Glory, the rules overall seem (touch wood) pretty simple to get the hang of and also pretty bomb-proof against cheese and geometry - the two worst game wreckers. The long development process, the input of a few wargaming hacks and the addition of commercial-publishing standard editing and reviewing seem to have been worth the effort in producing something that's tightly written, easy to understand, and adequately covers pretty much all eventualities.
How good is it as "History & Simulation", well, to be honest that's a whole barrel of worms I'm not really someone who is qualified to open, so I won't even go there. What I can say however is that I got a definite sense that a lot of thought has gone into FoG to make sure it's "playable" - and by this I don't just mean "is it clear and simple?", but rather there has been effort to make sure, mathematically and game-mechanics-wise, that the balance between "my troops are better so they should win in this situation" and "but if my opponent gets a bit of luck I might lose..." has been set up to create what feel like the right level of uncertainty - which is after all what creates the excitement in wargames as opposed to chess.
The other element of the "its been designed to have playability" that comes across is that there are actually quite a lot of key decisions to be made at many points in the game (especially concerning what to do with Generals) - although it would also be fair to say that it took me a lot longer to work out what they were, and to realise the impact of my choices than in say DBx sets I've played before.
Does it "grip" you and is there depth? Well, right now I'd say "yes" although I was previously (even as late as the end of last year) definitely pretty skeptical on this.
The big change for me came during the competition at Usk, which was the second competition I'd done. I think the 10 competition games have been a lot, lot more important in getting me to a point at which I started to understand tactics and see the "simple to learn / hard to master" depth in the rules than the 10 or so beta-testing games I played.
Maybe there is just something in playing against strangers who also knew the rules and who were trying to win, as opposed to playing my mate Adam with both of us trying to learn the mechanics and decide if we "liked" the rules which also made a huge difference?
Maybe as well it was having the basic mechanics down pat that allowed us to look beyond them into the game itself, and - probably most importantly - I'm sure that using the same army for 4 games on the bounce against different opponents allowed me to starting to see how the same troops performed in different situations, and think what I could do differently next time to improve things.
Differences to DBx & Warmaster - well, lots. No pips for movement, elements are locked into fairly big units that move by wheeling, and morale (or maybe "waver") tests are back are the biggest 3.
No pip-based command and control really surprised me initially, and as I said earlier, it takes a while to realise that there is any command and control mechanic. But, whilst pips (or for Warmaster players, command rolls) used to represent an abstraction not only of command and control, but also (in my mind) of how the key action in a battle can end up occurring in one small sector of the line (where both sides spend all their pips) whilst the rest is inconclusive (ie they stand there doing nowt), they also have their downsides - certainly in that the ability to do long-distance, multiple moves often has excessive influence on deployment, tactics and the overall outcome in both games, and also there is an inherently odd aspect to the idea of troops standing still for ages without lumbering forward to fight enemy they may only be yards (or inches) from. So, you win some, and lose some on this, but you do get a change.
Elements in big units is again a mixed blessing, and one its hard not to comment on without veering into the "is it historical?" debate - but this time I may dip my toe in these dangerous waters.... If you mentally equate DBx "elements" or Warmaster Units to FoG "Battle Groups" (ie units..), FoG feels like a skirmish and DBx feels like a massive battle (viewed from space!) - and this is easy to do, even though the FoG rules insist/imply that a FoG battlegroup is a collection of smaller sized units (represented by the element bases).
But once you accept the FoG argument and see each element as a sub unit, and each Battle Group as the unit of command and maneuver it does start to make more sense, and I found myself thinking whether DBx (or WMA) rules might even be improved by borrowing from FoG by insisting that for any troops to be deployed and moved they had to in multiple-element brigades of the same troop type. And irrespective of the "historical or not?" debate, its hard to argue against a view that so much geometry and cheese goes immediately out the window once the ability of relatively small formations to move and act independently on the battlefield is severely curtailed.
Morale and waver tests - well, that's a dangerous and bold thing for anyone to reintroduce, especially to anyone who remembers 7th. Initially the biggest mental hurdle for me was the reintroduction of morale tests which seemed to reintroduce a large and highly important random element into the game - but gradually I've learnt to appreciate how correct use of Generals, rear support and various other factors allow you to significantly increase your troops ability to survive them - and also to appreciate that by making a basic 2xD6 score of "7" the usual pass/fail baseline, even being able to add (or cause your enemy to deduct) 1 positive factor means you can make a material difference to the probability of succeeding or failing.
The other good news is that they aren't quite so dramatically bad as in 7th - where you could go from steady to broken in 2 bad dice rolls, both on a single D6 with no modifiers, and the are nowhere near as byzantine as they were in 6th and its predecessors, as there's only 6 or 7 simple factors to remember.
The final thing is that by shifting the way combats are resolved away from pushbacks and into progressive slipping - or restoring - of fighting ability via a simple test has also allowed FoG to remove even more geometry from the game, as there is no need for a slew of special rules about troops being pushed back, or conforming in combat or any of that gubbins. So, whilst I was initially reluctant, I can now see the upsides as well.
Will everyone like these rules - well, certainly not. Will a lot of people like them - I think almost certainly - both coming from a DBx and a GW tradition. Is there anything brain-stoppingly brilliant and innovative in them? Sorry, not really - but there is definitely a fair amount of subtle and well thought out stuff that will make sure its a good "game to play.
Is it historical - well, it looks pretty reasonable to me, but I profess no real in-depth expertise and I have no appetite for an endless argument either so I'll sidestep that one and leave it to you. Either way, right now I'm looking forward to my next game and next competition, and thinking of buying some more troops too.... none of which has happened in a long time for me - so something must be good in there!!
To order your copy follow the following links
How good is it as "History & Simulation", well, to be honest that's a whole barrel of worms I'm not really someone who is qualified to open, so I won't even go there. What I can say however is that I got a definite sense that a lot of thought has gone into FoG to make sure it's "playable" - and by this I don't just mean "is it clear and simple?", but rather there has been effort to make sure, mathematically and game-mechanics-wise, that the balance between "my troops are better so they should win in this situation" and "but if my opponent gets a bit of luck I might lose..." has been set up to create what feel like the right level of uncertainty - which is after all what creates the excitement in wargames as opposed to chess.
The other element of the "its been designed to have playability" that comes across is that there are actually quite a lot of key decisions to be made at many points in the game (especially concerning what to do with Generals) - although it would also be fair to say that it took me a lot longer to work out what they were, and to realise the impact of my choices than in say DBx sets I've played before.
Does it "grip" you and is there depth? Well, right now I'd say "yes" although I was previously (even as late as the end of last year) definitely pretty skeptical on this.
The big change for me came during the competition at Usk, which was the second competition I'd done. I think the 10 competition games have been a lot, lot more important in getting me to a point at which I started to understand tactics and see the "simple to learn / hard to master" depth in the rules than the 10 or so beta-testing games I played.
Maybe there is just something in playing against strangers who also knew the rules and who were trying to win, as opposed to playing my mate Adam with both of us trying to learn the mechanics and decide if we "liked" the rules which also made a huge difference?
Maybe as well it was having the basic mechanics down pat that allowed us to look beyond them into the game itself, and - probably most importantly - I'm sure that using the same army for 4 games on the bounce against different opponents allowed me to starting to see how the same troops performed in different situations, and think what I could do differently next time to improve things.
Differences to DBx & Warmaster - well, lots. No pips for movement, elements are locked into fairly big units that move by wheeling, and morale (or maybe "waver") tests are back are the biggest 3.
No pip-based command and control really surprised me initially, and as I said earlier, it takes a while to realise that there is any command and control mechanic. But, whilst pips (or for Warmaster players, command rolls) used to represent an abstraction not only of command and control, but also (in my mind) of how the key action in a battle can end up occurring in one small sector of the line (where both sides spend all their pips) whilst the rest is inconclusive (ie they stand there doing nowt), they also have their downsides - certainly in that the ability to do long-distance, multiple moves often has excessive influence on deployment, tactics and the overall outcome in both games, and also there is an inherently odd aspect to the idea of troops standing still for ages without lumbering forward to fight enemy they may only be yards (or inches) from. So, you win some, and lose some on this, but you do get a change.
Elements in big units is again a mixed blessing, and one its hard not to comment on without veering into the "is it historical?" debate - but this time I may dip my toe in these dangerous waters.... If you mentally equate DBx "elements" or Warmaster Units to FoG "Battle Groups" (ie units..), FoG feels like a skirmish and DBx feels like a massive battle (viewed from space!) - and this is easy to do, even though the FoG rules insist/imply that a FoG battlegroup is a collection of smaller sized units (represented by the element bases).
But once you accept the FoG argument and see each element as a sub unit, and each Battle Group as the unit of command and maneuver it does start to make more sense, and I found myself thinking whether DBx (or WMA) rules might even be improved by borrowing from FoG by insisting that for any troops to be deployed and moved they had to in multiple-element brigades of the same troop type. And irrespective of the "historical or not?" debate, its hard to argue against a view that so much geometry and cheese goes immediately out the window once the ability of relatively small formations to move and act independently on the battlefield is severely curtailed.
Morale and waver tests - well, that's a dangerous and bold thing for anyone to reintroduce, especially to anyone who remembers 7th. Initially the biggest mental hurdle for me was the reintroduction of morale tests which seemed to reintroduce a large and highly important random element into the game - but gradually I've learnt to appreciate how correct use of Generals, rear support and various other factors allow you to significantly increase your troops ability to survive them - and also to appreciate that by making a basic 2xD6 score of "7" the usual pass/fail baseline, even being able to add (or cause your enemy to deduct) 1 positive factor means you can make a material difference to the probability of succeeding or failing.
The other good news is that they aren't quite so dramatically bad as in 7th - where you could go from steady to broken in 2 bad dice rolls, both on a single D6 with no modifiers, and the are nowhere near as byzantine as they were in 6th and its predecessors, as there's only 6 or 7 simple factors to remember.
The final thing is that by shifting the way combats are resolved away from pushbacks and into progressive slipping - or restoring - of fighting ability via a simple test has also allowed FoG to remove even more geometry from the game, as there is no need for a slew of special rules about troops being pushed back, or conforming in combat or any of that gubbins. So, whilst I was initially reluctant, I can now see the upsides as well.
Will everyone like these rules - well, certainly not. Will a lot of people like them - I think almost certainly - both coming from a DBx and a GW tradition. Is there anything brain-stoppingly brilliant and innovative in them? Sorry, not really - but there is definitely a fair amount of subtle and well thought out stuff that will make sure its a good "game to play.
Is it historical - well, it looks pretty reasonable to me, but I profess no real in-depth expertise and I have no appetite for an endless argument either so I'll sidestep that one and leave it to you. Either way, right now I'm looking forward to my next game and next competition, and thinking of buying some more troops too.... none of which has happened in a long time for me - so something must be good in there!!
To order your copy follow the following links
6 Feb 2008
Field of Glory Wargames Rules Selling well
Sales of Field of Glory rules are going really well via my Amazon affiliate websites, with over 50 copies sold in the UK, and about a dozen in the US.
Thats only for the rules themselves, so the army lists are selling nearly as well, even those which are only on pre release so far
The UK website has been expanded to be a comprehensive bookshop for all ancient armies, and the US one may be expanded too, basically if enough sales come from the UK to make it worth my while doing the legwork!
The UK site is at http://www.madaxeman.com/FoGshop.htm
The US one is at http://www.madaxeman.com/general/us_store.htm
I've tried a French one, but no sales so far :-( http://www.madaxeman.com/FR_shop.htm
Must be a good sign for the prospects for the rules eh ?
Thats only for the rules themselves, so the army lists are selling nearly as well, even those which are only on pre release so far
The UK website has been expanded to be a comprehensive bookshop for all ancient armies, and the US one may be expanded too, basically if enough sales come from the UK to make it worth my while doing the legwork!
The UK site is at http://www.madaxeman.com/FoGshop.htm
The US one is at http://www.madaxeman.com/general/us_store.htm
I've tried a French one, but no sales so far :-( http://www.madaxeman.com/FR_shop.htm
Must be a good sign for the prospects for the rules eh ?
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