Hubcon IV Report now posted, complete with a video report on the game featuring commentary from the Queen of England and History's Greatest Ever Genius (honestly, yes...)
19 Dec 2010
14 Dec 2010
Armed Forces Museum
Just come back from a trip to Florida where I visited the surprisingly decent Armed Forces Museum. It;s the personal collection of a single chap but laid out as if it were a "proper" museum - and very well done it is too.
It has a collection of artefacts from WW1-modern day, with themed areas for several major conflicts - the oddest thing about it is that it's in a nondescript industrial unit tucked away at the back of an estate, just off a minor highway.
Anyways, some of the photos are a bit blurred, but you hopefully will get the idea. Worth a trip if you are down that way.
It has a collection of artefacts from WW1-modern day, with themed areas for several major conflicts - the oddest thing about it is that it's in a nondescript industrial unit tucked away at the back of an estate, just off a minor highway.
Anyways, some of the photos are a bit blurred, but you hopefully will get the idea. Worth a trip if you are down that way.
WW2 armour
1 Dec 2010
25 Nov 2010
My 4 Opponents lists from Warfare now added to the Wiki
Have now been added to the Wiki. Hunnic, Bosporan, Early Achaemenid Persian - as well as my Dominate Romans
FoG Armies
13 Nov 2010
Forget "300", this is 3000 !
There are now more than 3,000 pictures of figures in the 15mm Photo Gallery. This is number 3,000. Latest additions include the Lurkio Range.
Lurkio Figures now added to the Manufacturers list
A new UK based manufacturer, with (currently) one range of Sassanid Persians now added to the Manufacturers page.
7 Nov 2010
10mm Warmaster Teutonic army for sale
I'm currently selling a 1000+ point 10mm Warmaster Teutonic Army
on eBay - auction ends on Sunday 14th November. These are some pics of the chaps - look on the eBay site for item number 290497570687 to see more,
The link to the items is here - Warmaster Teutonic Army
on eBay - bid away as the auction ends on Sunday 14th November !
The link to the items is here - Warmaster Teutonic Army
More Central London news
The Club has now consolidated on one new venue, and so now meets on each and every Monday at "Escape" which is just by Mornington Crescent Tube. The new venue and night starts from 8/11/2010 as after The Perseverance turned into a trendy wine bar the Cock also became a bit too untenable for all sorts of reasons.
We have been at the Escape before, when it was known as the JD Sports Bar, and we had almost 8 successful years there so fingers crossed for the next 8 !
We still have no fees, no membership processes or committee, so the only rules are essentially to be polite to the bar owner and make sure you buy a few drinks each visit.
We have been at the Escape before, when it was known as the JD Sports Bar, and we had almost 8 successful years there so fingers crossed for the next 8 !
We still have no fees, no membership processes or committee, so the only rules are essentially to be polite to the bar owner and make sure you buy a few drinks each visit.
21 Oct 2010
Central London News
It sounds very much as if the Perseverance pub has closed for refurbishment, and that the refurbed property will no longer accommodate wargamers. This means we are now officially back to only one night a week, which is Tuesday in The Cock.
central london wargames club
20 Oct 2010
12 Oct 2010
Hubcon reports underway
Just to let you know that the match reports from Hubcon are underway. There is also a very real chance that there will be commentary from Hannibal Elvis....
27 Sept 2010
14 Sept 2010
Final Oxford FoG:R Report
See what happens when Sir Henry Hannibal meets Swiss Tony !
"Playing FoG:Renaissance is like making love to a beautiful woman...."
6 Sept 2010
3 Sept 2010
More Rabbit related Wargaming News!
You may remember the rather disturbing Amazon thinks people who buy Richard Bodley Scott's books also keep pet Rabbits posting on this site from a year or so ago? Well, in another bit of strange synchronicity, it turns out the the Rivermead Leisure Center in Reading, home to the annual Warfare show and competition is also hosting The London Championship Show - one of the key Rabbit-based event in the UK Rabbiting calendar.
Go Figure!
Go Figure!
FoG rabbit bodley-scott
27 Aug 2010
15 Aug 2010
More TYW Pictures
Yet more 28mm Warlord Games plastics now painted ! The Armypainter Quickshade really works well on these, even if I say so myself!
Warlord Games
13 Aug 2010
First FoG Renaissance Battle Reports
The first two reports (of 4) from Oxford FoG:R Doubles have been posted - TYW Catholics vs Swedes and then Ottomans. Get a feel for how the forthcoming rules work, and also meet the greatest general of the Renaissance age, Sir Henry Hannibal!
Clink on the links in this post to go to the report.
Clink on the links in this post to go to the report.
battle report,
8 Aug 2010
Portbury BKC Day
Reports and photos from 3 Blitzkrieg Commander games at Portbury in July this year - here's the link to the reports
battle report,
WW2 armour
7 Aug 2010
31 Jul 2010
17 Jul 2010
16 Jul 2010
Lots more Dullcote-ed TYW Pictures
The Testors Dullcote arrived in the post today, allowing me to matt finish my TYW figures. Here are the results ....
28mm plastics,
Warlord Games
15 Jul 2010
5 Jul 2010
DBMM - does it need a 147 sided dice ?
DBMM is now available on - and apparently is now currently the best-selling book on snooker on sale across Britain !
Anyways, if you wish to purchase a copy you can get DBMM V2 on
3 Jul 2010
Italian Arabs?
Two bits of good news for fans of Italian made Ghulam figures. First Legio Heroica are having a 20% off sale until July 20th on all orders above 40 Euros. Secondly, Mirliton (or Vexillia in the UK) have released some new Crusades Era Arabs.
Exciting times huh?
Exciting times huh?
25 Jun 2010
28mm ECW/TYW - More pictures of work in progress
Cavalry and infantry from Foundry (some pikemen), Perry (artillery crew), Old Glory (Turkic cavalry), 1st Corps (Swedish cavalry in funny helmets), Dixon (Dragoons) and a lot of Warlord Games Plastics.
Warlord Games
21 Jun 2010
18 Jun 2010
15 Jun 2010
Mine and my opponents list from Faenza 2010
Just added to the Wiki, Graeco Bactrians, Early Aechemenid Persians, Alexandrian Macedonians, Seleucids and Principate Romans. Read all about them in The Roman Army of the Principate 27 BC-AD 117 (Osprey Battle Orders)
FoG Armies
12 Jun 2010
New Xyston Carthaginians
I've just been sent some Xyston Carthaginians to review and post here. And - as usual - very nice they are too. The one's I have been sent include a pack of officers, a pack of musicians and standard bearers, some Numidian skirmishers and an Elephant (click links for pictures).
They come with separate shields, but with backs that look like they will stick onto the figures arms well enough. The officers have short stubby swords, which look a bit ineffectual, but an imposing array of headgear should compensate and frighten the Romans!
The "musicians" are actually both trumpeters, with 4 further standard bearers in various poses - they will need wire spears and the standards come as head pieces only with a hand, a horses head and some symbols making up the set of four.
The Elephant looks to be a proper "African-sized" beast, slightly smaller than many out there from other manufacturers, and comes with 1 mahout only. It will need a little filler as the two halves have gaps when glued together.
Finally the Numidian skirmishers again will need their hands drilling to take a wire javelin and would be suitable as any generic Classical-era javelin man if painted with a non-Numidian skin tone.
They come with separate shields, but with backs that look like they will stick onto the figures arms well enough. The officers have short stubby swords, which look a bit ineffectual, but an imposing array of headgear should compensate and frighten the Romans!
The "musicians" are actually both trumpeters, with 4 further standard bearers in various poses - they will need wire spears and the standards come as head pieces only with a hand, a horses head and some symbols making up the set of four.
The Elephant looks to be a proper "African-sized" beast, slightly smaller than many out there from other manufacturers, and comes with 1 mahout only. It will need a little filler as the two halves have gaps when glued together.
Finally the Numidian skirmishers again will need their hands drilling to take a wire javelin and would be suitable as any generic Classical-era javelin man if painted with a non-Numidian skin tone.
1 Jun 2010
Here's another FoG Rule idea
This idea came up in conversation this weekend. When testing for losing a melee you have the option to take a +1 on the Cohesion test ... but if you do, you also take a -1 on the corresponding death roll. Neat huh? (Elephants & some others excepted..)
field of glory FoG wargame rules
26 May 2010
The Crusades Through Arab Eyes
Just finished a great little book - nicely written in an almost-a-novel style. Well worth a look if you are into this period. See the
UK Version or US Version on Amazon
UK Version or US Version on Amazon
10 May 2010
Central London FoG
Here's some experimental house mods for FoG to try out - aimed at breaking the tyranny of the IGOUGO move system and injecting a little bit of chaos into the game... Tell me what you think!
FoG field of glory
8 May 2010
15mm Irish Women anyone ...?
Trey Corbies ("Three Ravens")are a new 15mm figure manufacturer, based out of Canada and making a range of Pre-Christian Irish women warriors (so far). Now added to the 15mm figure manufacturer directory on this site
15mm ancients
26 Apr 2010
FoG Renaissance sneak peak...
I picked the 2010/11 Osprey catalogue up at a book trade event recently, and it had this advert in it for FoG Renaissance.
25 Apr 2010
Help! Figure Identification needed
Anyone got any ideas which manufacturer these figures are from? They are 28mm ECW.TYW cavalry, and the rider is cast together with the saddle. I bought them 2nd hand, and have got 10 of them but need 12 - but I'm not sure where to look ! Any ideas just drop me a line at the usual address....
Click the picture to see a bigger version.
Click the picture to see a bigger version.
20 Apr 2010
Warlord Games Renaissance Figures
I'm part way through painting some Warlord Games 28mm plastic ECW figures as TYW Imperialists - first up is a Spanish Tercio. Here's a sneak peak at a unit that might feature in a battle report later this year.
Warlord Games
13 Apr 2010
Pics of new Xyston Spanish and casualties
Xyston have sent me a few samples of their latest releases - an ancient Spanish range and some Greek hoplite casualties. As usual the figures have the cleanly cast, angular look of Xyston's typical style, but in a new innovation (to me) some of the Spanish have been cast with separate arms to allow greater variety in sword poses
The figures are not as huge as some Xyston ranges - maybe a concession to compatibility with other ranges, but the Spanish would still struggle to mix well with Corvus Belli's market-leading set.
It will be interesting to see if the casualty figures are a one-off, or whether Xyston will be building a range to compete with Donningtons large range of dead guys - but starting with hoplites must be a good idea, as I;ve always found that protected spearmen get disrupted very easily!
The figures are not as huge as some Xyston ranges - maybe a concession to compatibility with other ranges, but the Spanish would still struggle to mix well with Corvus Belli's market-leading set.
It will be interesting to see if the casualty figures are a one-off, or whether Xyston will be building a range to compete with Donningtons large range of dead guys - but starting with hoplites must be a good idea, as I;ve always found that protected spearmen get disrupted very easily!
FoG Armies,
12 Apr 2010
Cheap FoG & WAB Books, Warlord Games Plastic Figures
Iain Hicken has closed his UK wargames business, The Hobbybox
FoG Lists
11 Apr 2010
Badcon Match 4 -The End !
The 4th and final match from Badcon 2010 finally makes it to the site. See Al'Shearers comment on his Fatimids vs the Early Hungarians.
battle report
21 Mar 2010
Badcon Match 3
Match 3 in the Badcon series now posted as the Fatimid Egyptians take on the Scots Irish
7 Mar 2010
Legio Heroica Pics
The Arab and Crusader ranges from Legio Heroica have now all been added to the Ancients Photo Gallery, and the 2nd match report from Badcon is now also posted
1 Mar 2010
Legio Heroica
The Feudal and Swiss ranges from Legio Heroica have been added to the Ancients Photo Gallery - their Crusades ranges will be added soon. They also have a "sale" on until 10th March, with up to 10 Euro's worth of free postage on all their ranges - enough to get you free postage for most orders across most of Europe.
26 Feb 2010
New Auction listing now added to the site for Matt Varnish and Army Painter Quickshade. Not that exciting really, unless you want to buy some matt varnish.
25 Feb 2010
24 Feb 2010
Lists from badcon now on the site
900AP FoG lists from Badcon 2010 now on the site including Early Hungarian, Feudal Aragonese, Scots Isles & Highlands, Nikephorians and our own Fatimid Egyptians.
FoG Lists
17 Feb 2010
27 Jan 2010
Match Reports from Usk 2010
See James Mason, The Emperor of Korea, take on all comers in full Technicolour, With new Battle Chronicler maps as well !
Come and get some !!
Koryo Korean,
usk fog
26 Jan 2010
19 Jan 2010
Belgrade Army Museum
A handful of photos from Belgrade now make their way into the Museums Photo Gallery. They have been lurking elsewhere on the site before, but the should now be more accessible - ideal for fans of obscure WW2 armour!
Belgrade Museum,
WW2 armour
15 Jan 2010
DBM Lists pages back up and running
Having been inaccessible for ages, I've sorted out the problem with all the the DBM Army Lists - they are now accessible again.
14 Jan 2010
Fire & Sword Miniatures
New Polish manufacturer of nice-looking Crimean Tatars and Cossack (as well as Renaissance Polish and Ottomans) now added to the 15mm Suppliers Directory
Fire and Sword Miniatures
8 Jan 2010
Mick Yarrow Miniatures
Pictures from Mick Yarrow Miniatures ranges now added to the 15mm Suppliers Directory and the 15mm Photo Gallery (with the permission of Mick!). If you are a manufacturer and would like me to copy your photos (and link back to your site from each one!) just let me know via the email link above..!
15mm photos
4 Jan 2010
Warlord Games 28mm Plastics

28mm firelock man. Experimental paint job. Photo taken on, and uploaded from my new camera phone. Whaddya reckon ? If you are American, you can always read..Essential Histories 58: The English Civil Wars 1642-1651
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