The Old Glory 8 Gun Barque is now finished... completing the Pirate army
I must admit to being quite pleased with it. Admittedly the rigging is a bit, well, jerry-rigged, but it does allow me to take the masts down for transport and storage - and it allows you to see the deck and crew very well too.
Lots more photos on my Facebook page
Another Weekend of DBA Fun and a Magnificent Bonus!
34 minutes ago
Great work there. How big is the barque, and what are the sails made of?
Its almost exactly a foot long, and the sails I've made out of an old hankerchief soaked in thinned down brown ink, stiffened with diluted white glue.
The barque is a foot long? Oh heck, I've just ordered the man o' war!
Old hankie eh? Hope you washed it first! :)
You're going to need a lot of crew! It comes with cannon, but if you need more I think in have some spares left
Yup, a lot of crew required. I should have enough guns thanks - I've ordered a lot more than I need for the FoG:R army.
Did you get my email about other pirate ranges?
Nope... But the ranges are probably on the fogR wiki
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