Lacking a 28mm Biblical army, I've been dithering about picking up an Assyrian army for some time now, on the basis that it is a decent list which I've used in 15mm with some degree of success, and more importantly that it's small, so hopefully not too expensive.
With multiple hoverings over the Foundry website failing to convince me I wanted the army enough to spend Foundry prices (£22 for a chariot! Ouch!), whilst browsing the traders at at the recent Attack! show in Devizes I stumbled across Newline Designs, who I'd mostly associated with 20mm ranges in the past but who also have a substantial range of 25/8mm figures as well.
They had a great value Assyrian Army pack (2 chariots, 9 Cavalry, 80-odd foot for about £75 from memory), with a special show offer of 20% off as well on the pack and any extras.. so a sub-£100 Assyrian Army was immediately bought!
So far I've only painted up a few figures just to see how they come out (the whole army will be a more production-line project), and I've also taken the "same army, different scales" principle to it's logical extreme by painting them up exactly the same as my 15mm Assyrians !
And here they are, next to the Museum 15mm Assyrians, and also some Foundry Commanders that I use in my 15mm army.
They are still a WiP project - I've not even done a full MF base of 6 infantry
The Newline figures come with figure-metal spears which I plan to replace with wire ones - like this guy. The sword is also from the bits box - all the Newline guys come with spears.
Here they are with the Museum 15mm figures
Same shield patterns - not too difficult to be honest...
The Armoured Slingers are over-supplied for ADLG armies in the Newline army pack, but the handful of spares will fill in as back rank figures in bigger units of Line Infantry
A generous three poses of bowmen - here's two of them.
This is the Newline chaps next to some Foundry Officers - a great match on size and body mass as well. The Newline guys look a bit shorter here, but their bases are lacking in magnabase so they are a little shorter due to that reason, not figure height.
Here are the Newline slingers and some more Foundry officers with equal height basing. A near perfect match - apart from on price!
Once the spears arrive I'll get cracking on the Assyrian production line - even these 28mm Chariots will end up with scaled-up versions of the same "wallpaper" I used on the earlier, smaller 15mm versions.
Undead skeletons
57 minutes ago
They look good, I've got some late Roman cavalry ( and others) from Newline and thought they were pretty decent, sounds like you've got yourself a bargain!
Best Iain
Lovely units, great looking blue shades!
Agreed, they look great and nice paint job. Have fun, Sean
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