30 Jul 2024

The Big Little Ships

 Having sworn blind that I'd not get suckered into buying any more ships for Warlord Games Black Seas game (after all, as long as you have a handful of ships for each side, does it really matter how big they are?), I of course cracked recently after seeing a good deal on eBay for two of the biggest ships in the roster, some 1st Rates.

The pair I got were a French and British "Generic" 1st Rate - it seems if you buy a "named" ship (ie Nelson's Victory etc) then it costs another tenner or more than a generic 1st Rater, and frankly neither me nor any of the people I occasionally play this fairly beer-and-pretzels game with would know the difference anyway. 

So, here's one of the two beasties in pre-priming mode:

Unlike all of the others I have, this is a resin hull with metal masts - which does cause a bit of concern about whether they will be more bendy than the plastic ones in the other smaller ships.

Speaking of which, here are all 4 of the sizes of ships I now own - left to right is 1st Rate, 3rd Rate, Frigate and then Brig.  Anyways..

And here is a ship painted up on it's own before rigging. I did the colours much the same as the previous ones I have made, so the key colour here is GW Contrast Yanden Yellow, which gives that great golden hue to the hull. 

And here is the finished (British) article in all its glory.

Given these were such big ships - and also due to my concerns over metal masts possibly bending - I did add some "extra" rigging to this one too - to make it look more busy, and to actually try and use rigging to hold the masts in place (which is what I think it was used for in real life too - which is reassuring if true).

This rather disturbingly annotated picture shows the main extra bits of rigging. Essentially I added two more sets of double-rigging going forwards from the top of the Main and Mizzen masts to the holes in the sides of the ship which the Warlord guide suggests are used for rigging going up to the rear of the Main and Fore masts. 

This sort of anchors the 2 big masts at the back with cotton rigging both fore and aft, which should surely be more secure?

I also found this great guide on JJ's Wargames Blog from back in 2019 which gave me a guide to adding a sort of spiders web of rigging at the back of the ship, which also anchors the Mizzen mast to the horizontal bits that stick out at the rear - so again its structurally beneficial as well as deeply psychologically traumatic and borderline insane to add this stuff to the basic Warlord Gide rigging arrangement. 

Frankly having even as many of these things as I do own is ridiculous given how infrequently we play, but they are just so cool I am sure I will end up succumbing and buying some more .. maybe if eBay throws up some bargains ! 


Here's all my Blogger Black Seas content:

1 comment:

madcam2us said...

Great stuff... I have been tempted to get into these too, but have been able to abstain. You've done a bang up job on the rigging too. JJ's guide is pure eye candy.

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