20 Aug 2024

28mm Velites

 I've got a Foundry early Roman army in the lead pile at the moment, but in the interests of getting rid of some left over sprues of the mostly-Victrix Hellenistics I decided to repurpose some of the Victrix skirmishers as Velites - as after all, it's just some dudes with a javelin in a skirt, right? 

And here they are - the vanguard of a 28mm Roman army! 

I have a suspicion these shields are from some Dark Age viking types that have languished in the plastic bits box for a while. They may stay transfer-free as well.

The white tuunics are a base coat of white, then Warlord Holy White, then normal paint white  highlights 

I picked a variety of heads, some bear headed, some with generic Hellenistic/Roman heads

With a few more bases of Light Infantry I already have, this should be enough of a screen for the  armoured Legions of Rome!

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