Having done some wargamer-scale "dabbling" in 1/300th Moderns for a while now (erm...
3 whole large armies and a lot of eBay fishing...) I'd been strangely drawn to the idea of supplementing the increasingly futuristic looking tanks and rather indistinct infantry with some SF Mechs and Walkers.
This new habit started with an unusually restrained initial outing at Warfare 2014 where I picked up a handful of Mechs and Walkers from Ground Zero Games. But then... I caved in and did some online shopping...
Now, 2 years later,
it's all gone SF mad!
There are now two full pages and loads of photos of this stuff
being painted and
fully finished for you to
browse on this website.
Of course, I have no rules yet but with Salute! coming up I think I will be investing in
Horizon Wars (the new Osprey set), and
possibly probably FWC as well.