Showing posts with label The Alhambra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Alhambra. Show all posts

9 Mar 2024

Cordoba, Granada & Alicante - the CLWC tourism video

 I've cobbled together a short-ish video of the photos from the CLWC trip to Cordoba, Granada and (eventually) Alicante in January 2023, and uploaded them to YouTube.

They cover the Mesquite Mosque/Cathedral in Cordoba, as well as some of the other museums and a decent amount of tapas, a castle we stumbled across on the road between Cordoba & Alicante (that has a working trebuchet!) and then the Alhambra in Granada. 

Combining Cordoba and Granada makes for a great trip - although getting from Granada to Alicante is a bit of a schlep, so if you don't plan on going to play in the ADLG tournament there (that we were all going to that weekend) adding Seville as the third leg instead of Alicante would be much more sensible.

There are also some incidental "on the road" photos too - let's just say that you can find the most surprising things in Spanish motorway service station vending machines !   

The video is online on YouTube here, and can also be watched on this site too:

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