That well-known Barkeresque wargaming trope, the Ancient British Panzer Division, gets a surprise but strangely welcome outing in these three L'Art de la Guerre competition reports all taken from the recent Central London Invitational 1-day event.
This is your chance to thrill to the rumble of 32 separate wheels as the 15mm British Catuvellauni tribesmen race across the tabletop towards the Carthaginians and the Seleukids, before rounding off by taking part in a Very British Civil War against a more pedestrian flavour of Ancient British.
The reports are now laid out in a new wider-screen format with bigger pictures, but the same hapless captions and post match-mishmash of commentary and analysis from Cassivellaunus himself as well as Hannibal. The three opposing army lists are also referenced and included.
Trust me - these reports are wheely, wheely good !
Another Weekend of DBA Fun and a Magnificent Bonus!
48 minutes ago
Really good write up and it looked a lot of fun! Who would have thought it, ancient Britons beating up seleucids?
Yet another excellent chapter in your oeuvre. Thanks for posting.
You certainly know how to "spin" a tale.
(student of ADLG)
The big wheels keep on turning..!
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